What Wehr Reading ...
The San Francisco Chronicle: American Rhône-style wines face an uncertain future. Patrick Comiskey reports. … http://www.sfgate.com/wine/article/Rhone-wines-at-a-crossroads-3723656.php#page-1
JancisRobinson: … While in the northern Rhône Valley, growers on the hill of Hermitage battle against the construction of a 54-foot TV mast right behind an iconic chapel http://www.jancisrobinson.com/articles/a20120721.html
New York: At last, poona kheera has hit the greenmarkets — that sweet, juicy, yet crunchy — cucumber, originally from India. It’s a welcome slicing alternative for those classic cukes
Decanter: Evidence of the recession in Britain: sales of Champagne are way down, while sales of cheaper prosecco and cava are way up http://www.decanter.com/news/wine-news/530164/champagne-sales-will-have-fallen-by-one-third-in-uk?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed